EKC2009 Sponsorship Classification
DIAMOND Member (£20,000 and over)
- Exemption of registration fee for up to 4 delegates
- 20% deduction on the registration fee for all additional delegates
- Keynote speech slot at the conference sessions and symposiums
- Installation of a company table booth, recruitment interview facilities
- Provision of EKC aid agent for the booths and interviews
- Poster exhibition
- Installation of company banner at conference site
- EKC brochure advertisement
- Network bar
- Automatic registration as a KSEAUK DIAMOND MEMBER COMPANY
- Special discount airfare for delegates
- Insertion of company logo on the conference website and the KSEAUK website
- Hosting of banquet under the company title e.g. “SK Energy Banquet”
- In addition KSEAUK shall endeavour to provide all further requests made by our Diamond Member companies to maximise their gain from the conference participation.
GOLD Member (£15, 000 and over) –
- Exemption of registration fee for 2 company delegates
- 20% discounted rate registration fee for all additional delegates
- Company presentation
- Company booth installation and recruitment interview
- Company promotion via brochure advertisement
- Network bar
- Special discounted airfare provided for all attendees
- Insertion of company logo on the conference website
- Automatic registration as a KSEAUK GOLD MEMBER COMPANY.
SILVER Member (£10,000 and over)
- Exemption of registration fee for 2 company delegates
- 20% discounted rate registration fee for all additional delegates
- Company booth installation
- Recruitment interview
- Company promotion via brochure advertisement
- Network bar
- Special discounted airfare provided for all attendees
- Insertion of company logo on the conference website
- Automatic registration as a KSEAUK SILVER MEMBER COMPANY.
BRONZE Member (£5000 and over)
- Exemption of registration fee for 1 company delegate
- 20% discounted rate registration fee for all additional delegates
- Company booth installation
- Company promotion via brochure advertisement
- Network bar
- Special discounted airfare provided for all attendees
- Insertion of company logo on the conference website.
Affiliate Member (up to£5000)
- A 50% discount on the registration fee for 1 company delegate
- A 20% discount rate registration fee for all additional delegates
- Company promotion via brochure advertisement
- Special discounted airfare provided for all attendees
- Insertion of company logo on the conference website.
As shown above, our Diamond Member sponsor will be entitled to all available forms of sponsor benefits being provided at the EKC, and shall be participating at the EKC 2009 as our Top Priority Firm throughout the conference.
KOFST - www.kofst.or.kr
LG Electronics – www. lge.com
Hyundai Motor - www.hyundai-motor.com
Hyundai Heavy Industries - http://www.hhi.co.kr
Samsung Electronics - http://samsung.co.kr
POSCO – www.posco.co.kr
SK Energy – http://eng.skenergy.com/
Gyeonggi Bio-Centre – www.ggbc.co,kr
KISTI – www.kosen21.org
ASIANA Airlines - www.flyasiana.com
한국기계연구원 – www.kimm.re.kr
KIST Europe – www.kist.re.kr